Fork Lift Association & Thorough Examination

combilift C4000E

Enquire About This Model


Power Type: electric
Weight 7600 Kg
Capacity 4000 Kg
Lift Height 4040 - 8300 mm
  • 4000 Kgs / 8000 Lbs Capacity
  • Multi-directional Capabilities as standard
  • Electric Motor driven hydraulics
  • Ideally suited for both indoor and outdoor use
  • Extensive range of lift heights up to 8.3m


The C-Series Combilift product range is available in both LPG / Gas, Diesel and electric / battery powered engines. The models have a range of mast options with lift heights up to 9m and lift capacities up to 25,000kgs. The C-Series Combilift can work in guided aisles as narrow as 210cm